Quoted By:
>Hey Larry did you hear the news
>Is it a new restaurant in town? A new coffee shop around the corner? Did the mayor implement a new city program? C'mon Yvonne, don't keep me in suspense
>No none of those. Larry, I'm pregnant.
>...wow...really? Is it mine?
>No Larry how could it be yours, we've never even had sex before.
>Well you never know with these things, one day you are two good friends, in a platonic relationship, and the next, one of you ends up pregnant with the other's child, stuff like this is more common than you think.
>No Larry, it isn't yours, this I know for sure. In fact, you know who the father is.
>I do? Is it Kakler?
>God no. Larry, it's Fred's
>Really? How is that possible? I mean, you two have never really seemed to have had that kind of relationship to me.
>Well one night, me and Fred wear drinking wine we got from this new Restaurant across the post office, and I said to Fred "Hey, would it be funny if we had sex?" and Fred said to me, "Yeah, that would be a laugh riiot. Hey, wouldn't it be funnier if I knocked you up too?" and I said "Definitely, let's do it" and then we made sweet pleasurable intercourse there and then, and here we are
>Wow. You guys were right, that's hilarious.
>~crowd laughs*