I shouldn't have watched this video. Did I really need to? I know the reason, but my curiosity got the better of me.
I know shouldn't have read this comment section. It took me out of the "we're all here to enjoy the funny/talented streamer" bubble, and reminded me of the nasty undercurrent that this sort of entertainment brings out in people and in some cases, thrives on.
I don't expect it it, or demand it; you work with what you're comfortable it. But the concept that something as basic as interacting with employees of the opposite sex is Off-The-Table strictly because some people WILL go nuts about it, it's baffling and weird to me.
It honestly makes me think a little, just a little, less of anyone who consciously makes that decision. Not because of the lack of familiarity, lack of interest, time, or hell, not being comfortable around the opposite sex in certain settings, and not feeling like they could perform/represent themselves properly, but "I Can't Because Idol Culture Reputation". I mean, if we get a talent that's Obviously Black, and people make a stink about it, will they be afraid to cross that line too?
I thought it was mostly a Japanese thing due to having the "idol culture" longer, thus harder to uproot, but apparently, it's here on the EN side too.
The idea that Kronii had to make a public announcement about doing collabs with whoever she wanted because of harassment is just sad. It really had to go that far? Are there people seething that Kronii isn't playing Minecraft with Mumei, but playing Monopoly with Calli, Vesper and Magni?
I don't know. Maybe I'm just the odd one out here. Maybe I just don't understand.
At the end of the day, I just want to watch these people have fun, and maybe send some support here with the little I can. This "Hiss, my oshi talking to guys makes me furious!" attitude is weird and the extremes people go over it is off putting.
Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing to even be remotely associated with this, I sometimes just want to drop everything and just go start reading books instead.