>>4255490(same autist) I skipped through it a little bit, she doesn't strain enough with the high notes for me to immediately clock it, there are a few pretty convincingly female high notes in the vocal exercises imo. Idk where the misconception that lower than average pitch -> troon came from, the real difference is which frequencies resonate more when you make vowel sounds (also known as the formants) instead. She's either actually female or has been training for a while. You can hear with Artemis she doesn't let very much air out of her lungs when she sings because singing from the chest/stomach and keeping your pitch that high is fucking impossible unless you are woman. x1 doesn't do any favors with song choice either, it sounds like she is straining to go lower if anything. There is a difference in their speaking voices too, which is easier to fact check as I can't find much footage of Artemis singing (wow I wonder why). This x1 random has a more resonant speaking voice (meaning they aren't straining to keep the lower resonant vowel sounds from coming out) and the formants are more feminine. tldr maybe troon but not definite, at least not as cut and dry as shartemis. sorry for being incoherent.