>>4270286No need to cope. You make it sound like "surviving in Australia" was some kind of super dangerous adventure, but all memes aside, it was way less exciting amd she basically never had to have any interaction with the natives or the enviroment (that went beyond maybe going shopping to a store, and then back home).
>>4290771 said, she went to some private 'international' school. I'm not australian, but I know exactly the type from my country also and can confirm what he said. Don't expect to actually learn english when you come out of there, you don't even really need it while you're there. These schools basically just exist to milk tuition fees from status-conscious overseas asian parents, mostly chinks, so their kid can come home with an actually worthless certificate and a line on their CV, to impress other gullible asians back home that they've spent a year or two in a more-or-less (they wouldn't know the difference) "prestigious" western institution and can therefore speak english, so they can get a leg over other gullible asians back home when it comes to competing for jobs etc. (and the other asians back home of course never question their actual english ability, because they don't know any better and just trust the certificate). Meanwhile the kids mostly just stay in their own ethnic cliques and faff around, the school doesn't care if they actually don't learn anything, because again, they're just there to pay fees.
Haachama herself said that she didn't have much of any contact with actual australians, and mostly stayed among the other asian guest students, then got bullied by some Stacys there and went full depressive shut-in. Which is another reason why she didn't (need) to learn much english for native interactions really, she lived as a guest on her relatives' estate, so she could afford to shut herself in and not go outside much because she didn't have to for getting her daily necesseties like food etc.