>>42683470It's just japanese chicks with spray-on tans/full-body foundation, that look like mulatto spics in complexion, bright blonde hair dye, retarded colored contacts that you'd find in a hot topic, clown outfits that are mismatched in color, fake nails that would make even ghetto niggers cringe, the whole nine yards.
But the most grating has to be their way of speaking. Probably the closest analog is valley bitches.
From anime, you'd think they are shapely, fit, blonde europeans with light eyes and a healthy tan. In reality, they are midgets with fridge bodies, spray-on tans, clown-makeups, and clown outfits.
Thankfully, they are almost extinct. You only find them in roppongi, akasaka, akihabara, nakano broadway, and places like that.
Roppongi has turned into a dodgy nigger-infested shithole, so you don't find too many young chicks there anymore, and the other places are tourist traps, the natives congregate in inconspicuous cafes and stores that are not on the main streets.
>>42681842No, it has not. It's still in use in DSM V and ICD 10, literal psychiatric manuals. It's a descriptor. Retard means slow, retardation means the process of slowing down. Retardants are used in chemistry.