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No.42736218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>makes fun of chinks by calling Taiwan a country
>gets away with it
>makes leddit dragon graduate
>gets away with it
>terrorizes other holos for months on end whether in games or through normal interactions
>gets away with it
>makes fun of Muslims by laughing at the fact that she can't show Mohammad's face on stream
>gets away with it
>has a rap battle with a doxnigger
>gets away with it
>gives mori the false hope that she could do the same, giving mori one of thr biggest hate waves she's witnessed
>gets away with it
>makes fun of the Russia and Ukraine War
>gets away with it
>makes fun of rushia's graduation by tweeting about stepping in dog shot on the day of her termination
>gets away with it
>makes fun of Buddhism and Buddhists by calling her Buddhist teacher a retard for trying to convert her and saying it's stupid.
>gets away with it
>makes a Troon character in Harry Potter legacy and laughs at xer whenever xer talks calling it the silliest thing she's seen
>gets away with it
How can she be stopped?