>>42781260Only now that fax is dead in the west that I realize how fucking amazing fax was
Look at this most basic ass bitch action that every office has to do
Send a document
How do we do it now? Send the file via e-mail or a instant messaging client like Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook Mensseger
People always forget to check their email or sometimes the email client flags the email itself as a virus or something stupid and sends the email to the trash folder, or spam folder, and nobody check those folders at all. And 2 of those 3 common instant messaging options are owned by Zuck the cuck, the other by whoever is in charge Microsoft now, They are both owned by huge tech giants who could easily fuck you up in one way or another and ruin your communication channels
now look at faxing
EVERY computer can do fax out of the box, most printers can do fax out of the box, we all remember hating fax because nobody knew how to set up fax right, and it was easier to do than setting up Outlook with your email client, something most offices do anyway
Fax has been built in to windows since the 3.1 days, don't believe me? open your start menu and type dialer
that is the same program that dials in faxes through your modern since the 90s, untouched and still inside windows 10/11
Looks too arcaic and complicated? don't worry in 1995 Microsoft made the Windows Fax and Scan program that is still to this day part of windows and it is fucking perfect for sending and receiving Fax waaaaaaaay better than any stinky old fax machine
Now why the format is better than what we use now
Send a fax, the person receiving it has a hard copy on her fax machine/printer, you can't miss it, you can't forget about it, it is there, in your face.
Faxing is great and I am mad I hated on it though out the 2000s because I was too ignorant to set it up on windows instead of buying 3 fax machines over the span of that decade