>>438136See that's the thing. The confluence of interests/wants is so rare that I wouldn't have expected it in a woman. One or two commonalities? Sure, law of averages and all that. Here though, the interests and characteristics of the specific vtuber I have in mind have been mutually exclusive in my experience. A woman will have one or two and not the rest or vice versa. Then I run into this chuuba and my perception of reality is involuntarily shaken to its core because all of these boxes are getting checked off. Some of them I didn't even know I had because of course you're not going to bother worrying if a person shares X interest/want if you went through life "knowing" that just wasn't something you'd _ever_ see in the opposite sex.
Tying this all together, I now know that someone who seems that compatible really IS out there, great right? But based on the way interests skew with the general population and how things further differentiate between local populations (with population density also being a factor) I know the odds of meeting someone with that set of interests/wants is nigh infinitesimal.
The revelation makes no functional difference to me at the practical level whatsoever. KNOWING there is 0% chance of something happening is essentially no different from knowing there is 0.001% chance of happening but now I actually know about that 0.001% chance. "I'll _never_ meet someone like that" then becomes "I _could_ meet someone like that but for all intents and purposes I _won't."
I know I'm not really conveying this well, but this's happened recently so suffice to say I'm still very shook.
Not really related to parasocial relatonships I guess, or maybe it is. I'm not a psych.