>>43135808Hey retard animal. Since when was liberia ever white people's land? How the fuck do you give a land that never belonged to you to someone else? That repatriation of some blacks to liberia doesn't mean anything. Also, why don't you do some actual research into the real reason why the country is where it is at. In case you don't know indigenous people there do not nor has ever gotten along with blacks because they are foreigners of that land. Took Haiti? Are you demented you stupid bitch? Haiti was indigenous land. The name of the place still keeps it's indigenous name Haiti or Ayhti. With the near wipe of the Taino's, blacks were shipped to Haiti by the French while the rest of the island was stolen by Spaniards. The french did so much evil on the black and few remaining indigenous in Haiti they took it over and even setup a monarchy of a King and Queen. If you actually were sincere which you are not you would know why Haiti is in the shape it is. For example, the piece of shit French had the nerve to demand reparations from the slaves for kicking them out. This is utter insanity. Another is US involvement with coups and disorder if a US puppet was not setup.
I can't speak for rhodesia as I don't know anything about that but I wouldn't be surprised if the white man is involved. You say we don't deserve nothing? That's fine it's what I expect from a white supremacist. When the tables turn and it will just remember your words.