>>43249860she boosts matt walsh every other day, a man who self identifies as a fascist. she aligns with the EDL and other open fascists like tommy robinson because they hate trans people
she will align with any and all far right lunatics as long as they hate trans people. it is literally the only thing that matters to her ideologically, and she will happily give to causes that specifically harm woman if they will harm trans women more. hate based grievance politics are never, ever about protecting anyone. she's also been friends with many of these people since long before trans people were even a blip on anyone's radar, including prominent anti gay marriage activists
there are lots of "gender critical" people (terfs) who are extremely critical of jk rowling and the current movement because it has been coopted by the extreme right and supposed "feminists" are throwing their lot in with what is nothing but a vector for crushing womens rights like abortion and rolling back gay marriage legislation. almost like social regression is an inevitability of hate based movements not based on any actual rational science. really don't know why im bothering to seriouspost on the catalog on this god forsaken ethopian cross stitch enthusiast forum but the posy parker contingent of "feminism" is an absolute blight on women and anyone remotely serious about feminism should fucking despise everything the current gender critical movement stands for.
mermaids is also the single most scrutinized charity in the UK, and one of the most scrutinized charities in the world with no major financial backers. it gets its funding cut every 6 months and for the past 5 years has been under permanent and constant assault by the tabloid press, existing in a country run by a government that was willing to risk breaking up the union to go to war against something as simple as making it a bit easier to change your sex on a government form. the entire media landscape of this country's coverage of any trans issue is completely one sided - there is literally no instutional support in any part of this country that has ever gone to bat for mermaids or any gender clinic.
the only reason mermaids can continue to exist is because it very explicitly has never done anything even close to illegal in regards to uk medical law, and follows all medical standard practices for gender dysphoria. the second literally anything ACTUALLY questionable and not some tabloid tier misinfo comes up about it it'll be absolutely destroyed, if it even lasts that long.
anyway, to go back to my original post, the main issue here is that harry potter is kusoge and you shouldn't play kusoge. i also dont give a shit if anyone wants to play it and people shouldn't be bullied for playing a video game. what happened to pikamee in particular was despicable.
but anyone who claims to be some trans ally like silvervale does who can't even give up something as simple as streaming a mid video game is showing exactly how far their belief system actually goes and their hypocrisy deserves to be exposed