>>43323175Every /here/tuber. Every single one. Pippa and like half of Phase, Kiki, Bea, etc.. They attract the most pathetic and/or schizoid people in this shithole, and are a font of constant drama. Not fun drama born from actual yabs like the current vshojo shit (usually), but petty, embarrassing drama about how like their oshi spent too much time talking to Dickfart420 in discord and now I hate her because it should have been me but oh my god she just replied to a post here on
4channel.org/vt/ that's so heckin epic and based and redpilled and now I love her again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of them have gotten beaten down or died off at this point besides pippafags, but there was also the period where they'd fucking infest every single thread they could possibly shoehorn their oshi and the inevitably following petty schizo drama into. Kikifags especially were the most obnoxious about that for a streatch of time, until I guess she accrued enough rrats and antis to keep them in check.