>>542732Are you literally that retarded?
The thing with the phone masts is literally how a light barrier works just on a different frequency. Lightsource blocked=something moved through. Add a few more light barriers and some basic trigonometry and you too can detect stealth planes.
For it to work from 500km stuff gets complicated.
The reciever needs to be directly beneath a ground vehicle to detect it.
Planes are a much bigger problem. Imagine you have a column of light going from each satellite to over a thousand receivers constantly. The columns need to be constant without any disruptions since disruptions is what you measure something passing though by. Now imagine the columns to be about 3m in diameter at most. And don't forget that every receiving station will need a separate dish for individual connections to every fucking satellite. After all, you want to know where a plane flew through. Without individual connections your best estimate is "somewhere in this hemispehere".
Your best bet would be low angle light beams, where they cover the most ground. But without the plane hitting two beams at the same time, you can estimate the plane to be 100m away at 10 m flight heigt, 500km away at 600m flight height or 2000km away at 3.5k hight or anything in between. Monoscopic vision doesn't work for depth perception.
To sucessfully find a plane it will have to fly through two of these columns at the same time, of which there are only a few in an area of 10km*10km. You know what could also happen? Packet loss. Happens all the time every day. You'd have a million false positives in the first hour you're monitoring the sky.
tl;dr: It would be more feasible to detect a plane by buying thousands of hobby telescopes, pointing them in all directions, puttung a high speed camera behind every single one of them and running image recognition software over the output than using the fucking satellites in the way your article describes.
And nuke satellites? Are you insane? Nukes need 30m from the USA to Russia and vice versa. If you try to nuke the satellites, not only will you be wasting nukes that you could send towards the enemy, reacing the satellites would take longer than reaching the enemy. And the enemy could easily think that you are nuking him and immediately retaliate.