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No.4349958 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw some retard here shilling his shitty quick-buck dropshipping shirts, so I'd like to explain why you should choose Hololive's official merch over random bootleg shit.

See this shirt? It's made with something called Discharge Printing using water ink.

The fabric literally has the dye in it. It's not pressed on or anything like that, it's part of the shirt.
Find the softest t-shirt you have. One where you can't feel the design at all or it's an incredibly minor feeling -- that shirt is likely water based printing.
Now imagine the worst t-shirt you've ever owned or seen. Do you remember/see the cracks, the rough coarse texture? That shit is cheap hot transfer. Often made by amateurs for cheap with no expectation of it lasting all that long -- made on demand for cheap.

When you buy from Booth they send you a high quality discharge printed shirt FOR CHEAPER THAN THOSE SHITTY BOOTLEG SHOP. 100% Cotton, supporting your Oshi, and giving you an incredibly high quality nice shirt.
The only bad thing about this shirt in particular is it's hang dry. But I'm sure you could get away with using a drying machine, especially if you have one from the 2010's or so with newer functions.
Do you want to be the retard with chaffed nipples and rash because your shirt is made to be disposable garbage? Do you want to pay a premium lining the pockets of some asshole on the internet?

Another way to think about it: Hololive wouldn't license this bootleg shit. They're always making moves to expand operations and have shown to be eco-pecuniary in their business dealings. They enjoy making money and setting up good future partnerships, even with risks.