Even though I have no interest in religion, it's too convenient to rely on God only at times like this. It can't be helped even if I talk about it. I gotta do what I can I have a mission to awaken the masses deluded by the conspiracy. I don't believe any of those official statements. I think only true fans will understand, but Rushia is really, really honest and a good girl. She will never betray her Hololive friends. This is a trap. A trap set by a mastermind who doesn't like Rushia. A conspiracy to reject Rushia and start World War III. I'm sure the cover official, Mafumafu, and Korekore were used as the mastermind behind it. Someone sent a message to Shia, who used Mafumafu's icon, and forced Mafumafu to give a false explanation. When I think about it calmly now, there's no way I'd ever go out with Rushi Agamafumafu, the number one fan-made. Funny, right? And let Korekore, who had nothing to do with this time, send out a fake situation. To make it look as if Rushia leaked classified information to Korekore. After that, prepare a woman who looks like Rushia with a voice called Mikeneko, and create the illusion that Mikeneko = Rushi. At that time, Lucia must have had difficulty eating and walking. However, Mikeneko opened a YouTube channel and posted her selfies on Instagram. This contradiction proves that Atomikeneko is a different person. With Rushia's credibility shattered, the final touch is the cover stripping Rushia of all authority and making her official statement without question. Their plot is roughly like this. It's easy to hunt witches in the name of justice if someone in power in the underworld speaks out. After all, everyone is like a puppet who was made to dance to the hoax on the net. That's why I'm going to restore everyone's sanity and rebuild the world so that Rushia can come back with peace of mind. I will fight to the last soldier with the pride of my fande. Is it okay to end up treating Marushia as the bad guy? I'll be waiting for you. Just like you saved the world, we'll save you this time. someday surely... surely...