Will you.... wait... uh, (you) remember what Nij- Hololife... Uhhh no, that's not it? Ummm. Hololive? Will (you) remember Holo..live fifty years from now? All the fun times you had with your osha- oshi. That was the term... oshi. The singing, talking, and most of all, the gaming. The endless hours they would play...... uh..... Mind Raft? Minecraft! Ah. Yeah... Minecraft and League of Legends. Huh? Not League of Legends? Ah.... That other game... Ummmm Apex Legends? Oh yeah, that was Mori's thing, right. The apex predator stuff? Top of the food chain I think. Really cool, and Apex Legends and Minecraft. Right. That. There's another game they played frequently.... um.... Oh right! They all did that one cover for that one song.... Uh... Queen? King. Yeah, King. They all did that one cover and you shouldn't forget the memes your osha... oshi. oshi. Don't forget the fun memes of your oshi. Even though that one website..... Um.... Read it? Whatever that one site was made terrible memes. I think all they talked about were... Umm... They also hosted your osha.... no... oshi's stream and Ummm.... it was bad... or good? Ummm.... Remember when..... Ummm..... So will you remember the fun you had in Hololife... Hololive in thirty.... Wait.... fifty. Yeah, fifty years?