>Interviewer: *puffs cigar*
>"Listen kid, you wanna be in this business? Well youse gotta deliver a little somethin' extra. I'm not talkin' about ya tiddies, hell we don't even show ya face. What I'm talkin' bout here is that EXTRA stuff. Y'know, like er...extra spunk, extra perversion, extra creativity, extra chromosomes, you get the the picture. So whaddya got, kid?"
>Mumei: "I uh.........uhhhhh.."
>*collapses on floor*
>*bocchi spaz meme.gif*
>Interviewer: "so, whaddya think, boss?"
>Boss (translated from Japanese): "Well, if my name isn't YAGOO, Collector of Mentally Broken Girls in Need of a Structured Talent Environment for Validation Which Occasionally Goes Awry But That's What Keeps It Interesting"
>Interviewer: "Well all be...you got the job, kid!" *handshake nearly breaks her hand*
>"Hey listen, kid, I run a place over in Shinjuku, it's like a...bar of sorts. You wouldn't happen to have a brother looking for some work? Nice fellas down there. Make some real good money selling champagne towers lemme tell ya