We are one hour into Kiara's twelve hour endurance stream. That's right we've still got 11 more hours of orange to go. Right now she's in
Slither.io mode, commanding her army of KFP members to protect and sacrifice their life for her almost...almost like a cult...
While Matsuri is still throwing her money away and has been for one hour now, as said before she's doing the Apex Gacha until she's gotten 1m Subscribers...she only has 991k.
While Flare's popping crawling disgusting mold creatures in the face as she's running around outside, looking to see where she needs to head to in order to help her wife out of this hillbilly disaster.
While Marine's diving right back into her underwater adventure of Subnautica, instantly going deeper than needed and getting absolutly terrified by the Reaper's roar, begging for mercy and forgiveness as she inspects the crashed Aurora.
While Okayu's grinding out monsters again while talking about her day in yet another comfy cat stream of DQIV, soon the world will be saved by this big cat with the fat tats.
While Lamy's here to talk about the Live she's taking place in, which is why she's took a small break from streaming to rest her throat. She says her entire body is sore especially her legs but she had lots of fun and is now dining on PREMIUM CORN BEEF and her own brand of sake.
While Aruran's on the 5th Dungeon and he's become quite acquanted with the the parry knights and spiders on the wall to the point where he's gonna punch a knight in the face if he meets one...Noel look out!
So friends, where we at?