>>43963100>Gundam was famously a pain in the ass to install, that's not a rratI am not disputing her walking him through the process of getting that game to work in AUS, I was watching the stream when she first played it and though he never did it again Axel actually dropped by her chat to gush about Gundam and she roasted him for not being able to play it. I am saying that it taking "all day" or her cancelling a members stream because of it sounds like bullshit you made up to make people seethe, feel free to link me the stream Axel talks about it and I will check if she actually did cancel a members that day though.
Also convenient that the proof that they played OW together for 8 hours is a Magni members stream, that particular stream got posted here when it happened and all I remember him saying was that the worms collab made him feel like he finally belonged or some shit, no mention of mammoth gaming sessions, and no Ame briefly mentioning purging her friendlist in the Selen collab is not proof.
She doesn't even try to hide it, last time I checked she had all of holostars added to her friendlist and autists in awat were absolutely watching her match history around this time, if there was some gigantic ow2 sessions she was trying to hide somebody would have posted it at the time. I think you are mixing in stuff that happened with a load of bullshit desu