>>44172297Not to generalize (or offend our new JP buddy), but Japanese audiences seem to have a tendency to be non-confrontational and don't like being assertive. It's that whole cultural thing about avoiding conflict, even if conflict resolution generates a better result for both sides.
Wouldn't be surprised if their mindset was that of "it would be rude to speak my mind, so I'll just let it play out", which eventually leads to internalizing meek acceptance. It's the exact opposite of what SHOULD happen - dialogue and synthesis of ideas - but that's what we're stuck with, it seems.
That's why we kaigai are so important to wife. We know what we want, we know what wife wants, and we're not afraid to speak out when ideas clash, and that's what she wants; not yes men. Sometimes I think she teases the audience on purpose to test our reaction.
"Supporting her" also means holding her up to her own standards, should she falter momentarily, and we understand that, but JP audiences don't seem to get it, for the most part.