>>44176219You are male, you do not understand because it is a female insult to other females
Anon, you might be a kissless virgin, but I know that you at least know ONE female who isn't your mother and have noticed that if she is in a good relationship with a dude, she will have more and more in common with the dude when it comes to her interests in media and shit
this is not a coincidence, this is because females will change their preferences to whatever the guy likes over time
This includes EVERYTHING the girl might have an opinion on, even politics.
This behaviour is what other girls call a "Pickme", a girl who shifts what she likes to what ever a guy likes to look more desirable/compatible with the guy, to them the girl is betraying her ideals so she can score/keep a guy within her circle
Guys don't perceive this because we often do not do this, at least not at the level girls do (Mostly because we are quite stubborn with things we do or do not like) but once someone explains this to you, you start noticing girls doing this all the time