>Gura doesn't have anyone from Myth except Ina in her 3D showcase
>after the first half of the Japan offcollab arc, only Ina and Gura stayed in Japan at first
>during the Myth offcollab stream, Gura was distant and in the background, barely speaking (this was similar to the second anniversary offcollab VR stream where Gura was also quiet, likewise in the america offcollab stream)
>during the Rust finale, Gura didn't hang out with Myth at all
>when she found Watson in Rust she trolled her and then left - Watson responded by being genuinely angry and the exasperated way she said 'fucking bitch' under her breath implies she knew it was coming and it's not the first time Gura has pissed her off like this (despite Gurame being close at the start in 2020)
>The Gurame geoguesser stream didn't happen, Gura also ended up not going to the Rubik's cube collab
>Gura was close with SNOt however much like with Gurame/Bonebros/Myth she once again became distant and hasn't hung out with them for a long time
>Fauna randomly started defending Gura on stream saying 'we love Gura in this house' seemingly unpomted and out of nowehere even though the chatter was just mentioning Gura positively - suggesting that is an underlying sentiment of 'something is wrong with Gura and she needs defending' that Fauna was implicitly reacting to
Conclusion: there is something very strange going on in regards to Gura's interactions/relationship with the entirety of EN and this has been going on for a long time
The exceptions to this are Ina and Fauna who still like Gura for seemingly inexplicable reasons
The only other EN who has acted amicable to Gura recently is Kiara who seems to have started warming up to her again oddly
What differentiates Ina and Fauna and now Kiara from the rest of EN? What pattern is going on that drives the ENs away from Gura? Why is Gura avoiding EN? This situation doesn't seem to make sense. This might not be the true correct answer but based on all of the details and people involved I think I have actually deduced it. Take into account what differentiates Ina/Fauna/Kiara from the rest of EN.
Ina and Kiara are not American. Mori, Ame and Mumei are. Fauna is American however there is something about her which sets her apart from usual American/western weebs. What's a key distinction between a western/American weeb and one who isn't, which Fauna is an outlier in regards to? That's right, western weebs are weirded out by lolicon shit - non-western weebs, and Fauna, are not. Ina is also an oldfag /a/ weeb type who is close to the industry and greatly respects all things JP. Kiara's favorite anime is Monogatari and she has uoooh posted/cunny memed on stream before.
Conclusion: behind the scenes e.g. on discord, Gura made it obvious early on at some point that she was an actual honest to god lolicon, not in an ironic way. EN were freaked the fuck out by this and think she is actually a pedo irl, hence why they suddenly became distant. The same thing happened with SNOT. All of the american ENs (except Fauna) are extremely weirded out behind the scenes by Gura for being a lolicon and don't want anything to do with her. Gura, being probably genuinely autistic, didn't realize this at first and kept imposing her 'weird' behavior on them. She eventually realized they think she's a freak later, hence why she started leaving them out of her projects and became antagonistic e.g. trolling Ame in Rust. Fauna still likes Gura because obviously she herself being chumbud prime is also a lolicon and Ina is unaffected by Gura's tendencies because she is an older type of weeb and also an asian.
There, I solved the mystery.