[18 / 2 / ?]
>lie about English proficiency
>lie about Japanese proficiency
>somehow get in the company
>too autistic to properly interact with anyone
>one day pecor tries to prank you
>too autistic to even leech so pecor pushes you around and forms PekoMoona
>explode in popularity and reach 700K subs, higher than even some of the JP members
Is this the result of her endless devotion to Allah?
>lie about Japanese proficiency
>somehow get in the company
>too autistic to properly interact with anyone
>one day pecor tries to prank you
>too autistic to even leech so pecor pushes you around and forms PekoMoona
>explode in popularity and reach 700K subs, higher than even some of the JP members
Is this the result of her endless devotion to Allah?