>>44673498>>44673534>>44673592-Leigh McMillan: 46-year-old EDL leader, presently serving a 17-year prison sentence for child grooming and serial sexual assault of a prepubescent girl, beginning when she was just 10 years old.
-Michael McQueenie: This EDL member was caught in the act of raping a 14-year-old girl with learning difficulties by her father.
-Brett Moses: This EDL member travelled all the way to Canada to meet the 13-year-old girl he had been grooming online, only to discover she was really an undercover cop.
-Mark Nolan: This English nazi was arrested by Irish police in Dublin, who found him in posession of bomb-making materials and over 250,000 images of child pornography.
-Stephen Parshall: 36-year-old Boogaloo Boy, suspected terrorist currently facing terror charges, and according to materials found by the FBI on his cell phone and an interview with his step-daughter, a child rapist and child pornographer.
-Stephen Payne: SDL member who groomed and raped a 13-year-old girl.
-Liam Pinkham: North West Infidel, British Freedom Fighter, child rapist.
-Enoch Powell: former UK MP, racist firebrand, and accused paedophile network member
-Richard Price: EDL founding member and convicted child pornographer who Tommy Robinson famously defended after his child pornography conviction.
-Jack Renshaw: 23-year-old National Action member/white supremacist terrorist currently on trial for plotting to murder British MP Rosie Cooper who was also under investigation for, and later convicted on charges of, child sex grooming at the time of his arrest.
-Jarl Judson Rockhill: before his recent foray into attending neo-nazi rallies in the PNW, Jarl was charged with Sexual Abuse in the First Degree in 2002, and with Using a Child in a Display of Sexually Explicit conduct in 2003. He is registered as a sex offender as of 1-7-10.
-Michael Roles: Britain First supporter and convicted serial child rapist.
-Roderick Malcolm Rowley: British National Party candidate and convicted child pornographer.
-Mark Ryley: Proud Britain First, Infidels, and Nick Griffen supporting, currently serving a 30-year prison sentence for raping girls as young a six over a period spanning decades.
-James Shand: Now that this convicted child sex offender is no longer able to groom 13-year-old girls on the internet (or adult police officers posing as 13-year-old girls!), James has taken to attending secretive events held by the white supremacist Patriotic Alternative.
-Jesse Shenk: This 31-year-old splits his free time between hanging anti-semitic banners from highway overpasses with the Goyin Defense League and grooming 14-year-old girls online. Well, grooming police officers posing as 14-year-old girls, as Shenk found out when he was arrested after traveling to Klemeth, CA. to fuck the person he had been sending photos of himself performing sex acts to.
-Simon Sheppard: This notorious Holocaust denier, racist, and far-right extremist is now also a convicted paedophile for attempting to trick four teenagers into having sex with him in what he described to them as a “sexperiment.”
-Ian Siree: British National Party candidate whose child pornography collection was discovered by police searching his home in connection with the murder of a takeaway delivery driver by Siree’s son James.
-Chris Simcox: Minutemen Militia leader and accused child molester
-Mark Sleman (a.k.a. Archie SLEMAN a.k.a. Archie SLIMAN a.k.a. Stuart HOLMES a.k.a. Mark HOLMES): you’d probably have as many aliases as this EDL member if, like him, you kidnapped and raped a 10-year-old girl.
-Kevin Strom: National Vanguard leader & convicted child pornographer
-James Andrew Swindlehurst: North West Infidel, White Man marcher and serial child rapist whose sex crimes against children spanned a five-year period.
-Dave Todeschini: this QAnon stalwart has some strong opinions on which politicians and celebrities are/are not pedophiles. He himself pled guilty to sexual assault in 1999 for sodomizing an 8-year-old boy.
-Alexander Hillel Treisman: When police were called to investigate this upstanding citizen’s van, they found it packed with five guns, ammunition, explosives, and over $500,000 in cash. They also found notes about assassinating Joe Biden, drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings, musings about committing a mass shooting, and - yes, you guessed it! - child pornography on eight different devices.