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No.44921176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>become a big streamer
>no longer care about streaming regularly
>take a break because you want to
>come back after weeks and get showered with subs and donos
>do 3 more streams
>take a break for "mental health"
>retards spend thousands of dollars on return stream
>"tummy hort", "brain hort", "throat hort"
>back after a few days/week, and viewers are spamming "I missed you so much!!!!" while donating hundreds
>take two weeks break because you want to "prepare" for a birthday, outfit debut, charity stream, or some other event.
>hype up the return stream with tweets and fucking trailers
>milk viewers of their wallets on comeback stream
>one more break because you spent a lot of time working for it and you're "tired"
I fucking hate how this has become the norm in vtubing. How do we stop this?