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No.45016280 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
fuck off all of you

you dont care about her. you never fucking cared. you didnt care when monetization opened. you didnt care when memberships started. actually no, you cared enough to fucking dog on her for her pricing on several catalogshitter threads. you cared enough to start other threads to call her a Genshitter. But you never valued her as a streamer. Or a liver. All she is to you is a pawn in your fucking e-celeb console war to dog on other livers, surprise surprise, other Zaimons are fans of.
All you people care about is surface level drama sugarcoated to suit your narrative. You AND the nijifucks SC spamming my kamioshi for shit she wasn't involved with.

I repeat. You dont care. You never cared. And you never will. Fuck all of you.