>>45131811I'm a bit confused because you replied to me twice, and I think you think I'm a Nakirigumi, but I am in fact a Heimin. My apologies!
And by the description you give of your oshi, I assume you're a chumbud? After all, Gura is the only one I can think of who had to work herself up to go a vending machine by herself, on stream spent time sending the shortest of tweets because she got nervous about what to say, had finished songs she never released because she didn't like how they turned out, and can be the cutest little goof at the same time. Though personally, I would very much like to see Gura and Kanata sing together at least once.
I'm sure many of us will be freaking out, so excited for the entire event and also cry
just like last year. Despite what many will have you believe, >we love these girls!