>>45680064Enna: Y'wanna see a picture of my favorite child when I worked with them in Japan?
Nina: Yeah! Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah, mh mh mh mh.
Reimu: Ooh... how do you do that?
Nina: Mh mh mh mh mh.
Enna: Wha'd'y'mean?
Millie: She has a phone. It's a photo(s).
Nina: Mh mh mh mh.
Enna: I have a photo on my- on ma phone....
Reimu: No, I meant how do you work with children? [unintelligible]
Enna: I don't know, because I, like...
Reimu: Do you actually like them?
Enna: I like children, y'know, they're cute.
Nina: [laughs]
Millie: Awww, cute!
Nina: Enna: hates everything, loves children? Secret lore??
Reimu: That's a red flag.
Millie: Yeah, and wants to be married in Disneyland? That's gap moe.
Enna: What's wrong with Disneyland?
Millie: S'expensive.
Reimu: Well, it's still cute! I- I-
Nina: Ooh, hmm.
Reimu: Nonono, I'm in Enna... defense... squad... I'm s-
Nina: I think Disneyland marriage would be really really-
Reimu: [unintelligible]
Enna: [roaring laugh] THIS ONE! [laugh]
Nina: Show me show me show me!
Enna: Hah, don't... [snicker]
Nina?: Hold on...
Millie: Oh my GOOOOOOD.
Reimu: Oh GOD!
Nina: Uuummm...
Reimu?: ENNA!
Millie?: Whyyyyy?
Enna: Don't say it!
Millie: This will get you canceled, babu, I think you should delete it.
Reimu: Yeah... yeah.
Enna: It's so cute, though...
Reimu: No it's not!
Millie: No i's nah.
Enna/Nina: [snicker]
Enna: It IS cute. He's so cute, he's my favorite kid... [laugh]
Millie: Oh my GOD.
Reimu: Oh my God.
Millie: Awrightyhhh, that was something. What the fuck?
Enna: [snicker]
Millie: Jeeesus.
Reimu: [shakes head]
Millie: Can we move on the next topic, do you have any more, like... uhh...
Nina: YYYEAH, yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah...
Reimu: [unintelligible] question?
Millie: Yeah...
Enna: WAIT! I'm looking for it...
Nina: Uhhh...
Millie: Do you have any more... topic questions, y'know?
Nina: I have A TON of questions, I just- I need a second, I need a... uhuhu, whooh! That was, um...
Millie: Yeah, sorry [...]