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No.45984394 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw a few anons here discussing the recent-ish Nazuna situation so I hereby present the NazuNews: Civil War Edition Summary that nobody asked for
>Animosity towards Unicorns from her asian fanbase
>Unicorns make up the majority of her dedicated western fanbase
>January collab causes tension
>Some unicorns go ballistic on Twitter
>Ratiod by Asian fans
>The loudest one, Arigathanks, is blocked by her on all of her accounts
>Arigathanks is disdainfully accused of something by her in a Fanbox post
>Later realizes it wasn't him, deletes post
>Unblocks Arigathanks on her locked account
>Kept blocked by both mains
>Has chat about male collabs
>Asian fans quietly angry at Unicorns
>Begin to publicly meme about them
>Escalates into non-stop shitposting
>Especially about Arigathanks
>Arigathanks keeps going to her streams, she acts like nothing happened
>Unicorn memes reach critical mass
>Silent western fans begin to get angry over the state
Shit Happens:
>A few fans begin very openly making Arigathanks into the butt of every joke
>During a stream one of them, Goma, starts pretending to be very gay and coming on to Arigathanks
>She laughs at it a little but is surprised and confused
>biggest Nazuna fanartist Sakana is a massive anti-unicorn
>She especially hates Arigathanks
>Immediately starts making BL fanart of him and Goma
>Draws it every single day afterwards
>Usually multiple pictures a day
>Draws more Arigathanks x Goma BL fanart in 5 days than Nazuna fanart
>Fanart initially somewhat fine
>Eventually it stops being BL and she just uses it to explicitly insult Arigathanks
>Compares him to a well known schizo she hates called Daisuke
>Nazuna steps in and spends a quarter of the stream talking up Arigathanks in several ways
>Specifically notes that he is nothing like Daisuke
>Immediately after that stream, Sakana releases another fanart that again explicitly compares Arigathanks to Daisuke
>Western fans chime in and accuse her of perpetuating the exact opposite of what Nazuna had said
>Some Asian fans chime in and basically say that he deserves it
>Tensions at their highest
>Nazuna streams again, makes a note that she noticed some fighting on Twitter between fans
>Says that some fans lwant her to be unrestricted because they like her
>While other fans like her enough to get jealous about her with other guys
>Specifically says that she likes both sides
>Says that both make her happy
>Kindly asks fans to stop fighting
>Western fans chill out
>Asian fans do not chill out
>She enables anonymous comments on a stream
>Chat flooded with anti-unicorn shitposting
>Entire stream is spent shitting on unicorns
>Nazuna inadvertently goes too far with jokes
>Western fans lash out
>Nazuna immediately streams again to apologize to unicorns
>Asian fans don't stop
>Nazuna starts directly intervening when fans make unicorn memes
>Asian fans still do not get the hint
The Conclusion:
>Nazuna does a stream with the following content:
She found some listeners making plans (to probably spam her unicorn fans?)
>unicorns are not bad or anything
>crap my BP is rising
>unicorns love me so i don't have any problem with them
>there's no need to interfere on my behalf
>you can assume they're bad if they want, but could you stop attacking my nekofami unicorns?
>you don't have to interact with them if you want
>you don't need to get along with them, or rather don't (lol) because stuff like this happens
>it's not like they're doing this for anyone else
>it's difficult... damn... what should I say...
>ok, so yunear-san (probably username), unicorns help me live my life with these donations
>so I would rather follow their opinions
>like, I mean, open minded people are also donating normally
>yesterday, or rather, the last few days, it's been the bare minimum (10k yen in one day or something)
>I might have to leave the internet and do some actual work if it goes on like this
>So please get along (reads another donation)
>"first time here" thank you! *proceeds to menhera*
>thank you "arigathanks"
>look at that with arigathanks's spending money, I can survive for 1, maybe 2 weeks
>*more thanks*
>I should just get married to "arigathanks"
>arigathanks has eyes only for me and doesn't care about any other women
>I love that type of man
>Nazuna finally unblocks Arigathanks
>Asian fans get angry at her
>Accusing her of things
>Still mock unicorns
>Nazuna stream
>Cmpletely furious
>20 minutes ranting at her anti-unicorn fans
>Fans openly chastise her in chat
>Several fans cross major lines
>Tweets calling them antis and saying that she hates them
>Several anti-unicorn whales and Sakana leave her fanbase
>Stream 2 days later
>Seemingly gives no fucks about the ones who left
>Unicorns win