>>46412567>Nijijpfaglmao even.
All of the NijiJP information in /#/ most of the time came from ホロアン after some dramanigger reposted them from にじアン to ホロアン to stir up shit. NijiJP rrats originated from /#/ are all laughable as fuck as none of you really know anything besides NijiEN.
/#/ is full of niggers that never watch stream but believe every fucking rrats as long as they can make a bait thread out of it or push their preexisting narrative. Those who "know shits" are nothing more than just lurkers on 5ch.
I still remember one of your kind bravely brought the NijiJP rrat produced by /#/ like Kanae lived on superchat and used broken Japanese to try being a tribalnigger in にじアン on Shirataba and got absolutely BTFO'd by locals.