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No.464937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can you watch Nyanners?

Oh, yes. The hypocrite tuber.
Nyanners pisses me off.
>Makes loli content
>Acusses people that consume the content of being pedophiles
>Continues making content and monetizes it.

I fucking hate loli shit; I fucking hate people that consume it.

Seriously can't stand this bitch. The whole vtuber scene is fucking cancerous for this reason too, but at least Hololive hides that shit.

I had to step away from the vtuber scene because of how fucking retarded the fanbase is. I watched a vtuber talking about how she had to fucking cancel a doctor's appointment because she let it slip that the doctor was a male and the fanbase got upset. Separate question, I guess, but how does this not bother any of you?