>>46502013I really want you to understand that the reason her parents are not working is because they're veterans. I've been watching her for 2 years and her dad was medically discharged while he was a Marine due to his seizures. Her mom retired sometime in the 2010's and also cannot work due to a whole slew of health issues, Mel herself would often talk about how her mom can barely move some days due to all the pain. As someone who has military family I kindly ask you that you realize her parents are in their early 50's and medically cannot work. They get paid by the VA and are retired.
>>46502431In her most recent stream she stated that those vtubers she contacted have seen her messages but not responded.
>>46504891This perfectly sums up the situation. She has not "scammed" anyone. She it's a bit shitty to have people buy you something and you not use it but is she mad at Goku for buying her Pokemon Shining Pearl and she's not playing it 24/7? I mean think about it. If she mad at that Turtle guy who bought her a new elgato and yet she sometimes doesn't use it because she plays video games on her pc?
>>46506566iirc it was some woman who helped students register for classes. I remember her telling the story a few times in the past 2 years and it's honestly sad that the counselors did nothing to truly help her and some random lady helped her when she was dealing with alcoholism.
>>46509939she is no longer an alcoholic, in fact she rarely drinks because it reminds her of when she was 18 in 2014 and she hated being an alcoholic.
>>46510181she rarely, and I mean rarely drinks.
>>46510539this is because she's no longer an alcoholic and rarely drinks. why the fuck are 4chan faggots talking about her as if she's an alcoholic when she clearly has stated she got over it when she was 18 thanks to a strangers help?