After taking way too long and fighting through some post travel sickness, the /morig/ Birthday collaboration project is finally done. major bugs and glitches are fixed including the webgl error when saving a level editor json, pieces getting stuck outside of bounds, tile detection errors, sfx clip #35 being removed, and more. A few things were added including a menu that will pop up when hitting ESC, level names, and a tile introduction system that only shows up if a level hasn't been completed yet. I've made a few changes to how some of the submitted levels had their pieces layed out too, but I've tried to keep the obvious patterns that were there included in the final version. Picrelated is also the new icon for the windows version and the thumbnail on itch.
Thank you very much for all the contributions made by anons itt. I hope I was able to put together something we can all be proud of, including Mori herself.
The link will remain hidden to the public until I am done prettying up the game page, but you are welcome to play it here until then: again everyone