>>47041976>>47042309She got really sappy with fans on Christmas then delete the VODs. I can't believe I felt compassionate to her during it. She has her moments here and there ever since debut, but minor shit.
> She decided to stop liking comment on. Youtube because one schizo sent her a maro saying that she showed favoritism for giving likes.> She also closed her maro's shortly after> She made a brief # moment because ONE stream of her has only 80-90ccv instead of the usual 150The biggest one that most relevant to the event: she has a vacation in Norway and tweet that she was extremely upset and got scammed out of $600 and wanted to delete some VODs. Suddenly that day, everyone in gen 3 canceled their stream and had some gen 3 unity tweet. It was later confirmed that the scam was her not remembering to cancel her tokyo exotic treat box subscription and they auto-charged her $600 for the next year. From that point, she basically disappeared from streaming and didn't start streaming while in Norway when she promised her fans that she brought her equipment there to do so. There was only one brief twitter space and one short stream in the next 2 weeks. Other gen 3 started to cancel stream here and there and at the end, only Peony/Miryu stream until the last days where the sudden announcement happen that there was a group contract negotiation disagreement and the whole gen 3 left without even a graduation stream
The timeline lined up with the event of Sava going menhera over the $600 sub box as a catalyst that lead to the whole gen 3 leaving together (this is actually real true fact, not even joking). Perhaps the clash start at that point because management refused to let her delete the VODs of the treat streams or maybe the loss of $600 caused her to be pressed for money for the vacation and having 2nd thought about the split in the contract. No one knows what happen, but the result is that they all left the company abruptly. According to the gen1/2, all of them tried to convince them to stay and management was meeting with them almost everyday trying to negotiate. At one point, gen 3 as a collective just say no more talk, we just all want out.
One factor I'm most upset about is that they demanded leaving very fast and suddenly and the event fell right on the bday of another girl in the corpo, shee, who was going to have her own donothon the same day. Shee was the senpai that reached out to gen 3 the earliest and most frequently, ESPECIALLY Sava. They didn't even mind slamming the door on her face as they walked out of the company