>>47710305>this is the single factor holding her backIt was not, but it was most probably the biggest factor among the others such as her failed debut persona, her not exactly being a gamer type, and having the fucking gall to stream at JP prime time in the debut month, not even Myth at their peak even dared to do so, specifically Mori and Kiara.
>>47712262>because Ame, Kronii and Mori have had more homoEN collabs than Bae at this pointWhat kind of fucking Homo copium did you inject yourself with?
>MoriSure she'd had a record by that point, making it very public that she gets on with ecelebs and anitubers and the likes.
>Ame, KroniiThere's a big fucking difference between them taking a sharp u turn shortly prior to and after Tempus debut, and Bae literally pronouncing herself as THE homolover of EN at debut. You have to be either retarded or high on your mom's backyard grass to not see that, which is why the comparison is simply moronic.
Anyone who convinced themselves that the biggest factor that halted Baelz's channel growth, especially during the all important debut months, was not because of her telling everyone she supports the Homostars when she was having the most eyes on her, them niggers gotta be fucking delusional.
It didn't take them to be diehard unicorns, even a good amount of those you would label as normie EN viewers would avoid her, because they expected any possible male interaction would be fucking awkward.
At the end of the days, Baelz herself 100% knew how things would turn out for her growth when she said what said at debut, but she did it anyway. Simply because she genuinely was a fan, and that big decision probably saved her from a lot more future trouble than not at the cost of her numbers, which she doesn't care about that much anyway, she probably talked about numbers (in a negative way) like twice throughout her career? And one of them was about Baewatch.
tl;dr yes it was because she told everyone she was a homolover that her growth crippled, but that is okay to her.