I've been thinking about why it takes Ame 6-10 months to gain 1,000 subs. My conclusion is her charity stream. She burned so many bridges because of that stream that her channel pretty much died that day. Re-watching her old streams, she seemed to be actively trying to kill her channel, then that stream happened and every day since EN2 she has this air of desperation about her. She doesn't want to lose any more subs but she also doesn't want to do things that result in gaining subs. She doesn't want to lose in collab so she silently tryhards to win, but then she throws the game to still lose. Then she screams about how everything is unfair even though she didn't practice. It's not like Cover keeps her busy 24/7, she's always sleeping or jacking off. Her existence is so weird. Everything she does is a contradiction. As a long-time fan I find myself shrugging while my bare ass is dipped in the slurry of a gas station porter potty. That's how Ame makes me feel, at least. And I didn't even touch on how sad it is hearing her talk about various freelancers she scouted at 2 followers now being too busy for her. It's all just too sad, man. You can't enter a marathon, start the race doing cartwheels the opposite way and then be sad about how the race is going. :( >:| :,/ 8^)