>>48275453>passive aggressive to China.Are you a clown or what? Even last year, China also barks like a puppy especially when Nanci Pelosi visits Taiwan lol.
The one who is aggressive in the region are the the CCP and even under the former Philippine president Duterte which is pro-china, they are still more aggressive than ever, sunking a fisherman's boat, harrasing innocent fisherman's, blocking the reefs by their maritime militia and even deploying their gray ship navy in the disputed area which is a violation of the "no gray ship zone" policy.
What the Philippines did right now is just the right thing, What China is experiencing right now from the what US is doing in the region are what the Philippines endured for the last 10+ years of the agression of China in the Philippine territories since 2012. They are just tasting their own medicine from what the US is doing right now.
China is also the one who violates the international laws and called their dillusional laws as the international law.