Alright time to do an analysis of every holoJP and what has been done for them feel free me to correct me and call me a faggot if you see incorrect information
>Sora: 1 Semi Active soratomo has been building that castle north of spawn for as long as I remember
Miko: 35p are ded but they have 2 nice looking settlements
>Suisei: Oldfag hoshiyomis left their town unfinished for the newfag, there's also that tunnel guy
Roboco: There's a battery somewhere in the middle of nowhere and a giant pixelart in the ocean, guy that built it disappeared without a trace
>Azki: Oldfag pioneer settled down somewhere but no presence for a long time
Aki: Rosetown is one of the coolest towns on the server, active representation too
>Chammers: They're active despite being plagued by tagswitching and massive burnout. Their town is really cool as well, if only the active haatons actually wanted to build there...
Lots of pixelarts exist, and statues of her made it into her stream.
Fubuki: One month they are completely silent, other month 3 of them are online at the same time. They have a neat little town.
>Matsuri: Cursed by tagswitching on day 1, there are no real matsurisus in yubi history afaik. There's a pixelart of her somewhere at least.
Mel: There's a mel hut near Rosetown and a pixelart or two. No actual kapumins
>Aqua: There's a big aqua mapart and their town is a ghost town.
Choco: I believe Choco gets the "Least represented holo in yubicraft" Award. I don't know of anything dedicated to her, inb4 someone replies with a schizo hut with an image of choco slapped on it
>Ayame: Like oshi like fanbase
Subaru: Closest settlement to spawn(tm), Subatomos never had a lasting presence on the server, but they have a cute humble village
>Shion: They have a huge statue of Shion. Shiokko island is abandoned in favor of a new town on land by the new shiokko.
Korone: Second closest settlement to spawn(tm). Never been too populous but it hasn't stopped the koronesuki from making a nice looking town. Some pixelarts of her exist in the town and around the server
>Okayu: Onigiriya town is also very nice, filled with pixelarts and statues (beeg okayu most notably). Holds the record for "most embassies built inside a town".
Mio: Weak presence compared to the rest of gamers, She still has nice pixelarts.
>Pekora: Pekoland is very impressive and keeps on developing with few but dedicated nousagis
Noel: She gets to have TWO fortresses??? Weakest out of gen 3, no active knights.
>Marine: No active Ichimis but they have a town, a pirate ship and the famous fecal marine.
Rushia: Who would think that one of the most active factions right now would be of a dead chuuba... The church and the statue are both famous landmarks.
>Flare: Mostly inactive except when their maze needs an update.
Kanata: They have 2 villages, both of them are abandoned since there are no active heimin
>Towa: Kenzoku island is alright, no kenzokus play actively to develop it.
Luna: Their town is cool, The castle is the main attraction of it. Lunaitos are a rare sight
>Coco: The coco statue in spawn makes up for their lack of any proper settlement. Didn't end up like fandeads sadly. No Ksonfags either
Watame: Watamate town has cute pixelarts and statues. Their presence is the largest out of gen 4.
>Lamy: Yukimins have 2 towns at the older and less old world border as well as a place closer to spawn.
Aloe: sex...
>Botan: An impressive main base, a ussr inspired town, several maparts and more creeper farms than they'll ever need.
Polka: A circus, sports festival themed around her, pixelarts and a decent playerbase.
>Nene: Losing the war against hoomans did a number on their presence on the server.
Koyori: Despite being generally active not much outside of maparts.
>Laplus: the end hub was built by a plusmate
Iroha: No real presence on the server outside of that one place built after her debut, nothing came of it.
>Chloe: Cool buildings are made in her name
Lui: Inactive, there's a cargo harbor themed after her for some reason.
Hitomi Chris: [REDACTED]