I ended up being able to at least listen to most of it with some outages in between due to spotty train internet connection so I figured I'd list the most important things she said. Sorry for typos, I suck at phoneposting.
The Golden Week thing was not related to that thing on Twitter with the future prediction thing after all. It seems to be a much much bigger deal to her. She said it involves travel and someone asked if it's to the US. She denied that but did say it is quite the long journey, so maybe it is something outside of Japan, who knows. She stressed several times how amazing an opportunity it was and that she can't wait to tell us all about it once she is back. She will be back on the last day of Golden Week, the 5th, and has a yet to be announced collab that day.
There is also a Duel Masters collab between her and Polka coming at some point due to their appearance in the game, they're going to fight, but she doesn't know much about the game and only played some tutorials against the AI so far. It's only these two, Pekora is not involved.
She met Nazonazo Kamen (Okayu) and due to the outcome of their showdown (couldn't read chat so it was hard to follow), she officially joined her company. At the beginning of the stream she kept stressing that she has not formally joined and is still thinking about whether she should. I think she really wanted to join because she did say also say multiple times that Minecraft could be really fun when playing with others and gathering resources still isn't all that fun to her, but I guess her self-doubt still kept her from commiting to joining.
I guess Okayu was listening and set up an "excuse" for her to make a decision, which was pretty nice of her. I feel like Okayu has a good read on how FBK thinks and is pretty good at helping her come out of her shell more, she's a real good friend. Fubuki mentioned that we can expect more Minecraft streams in the future now that she has officially joined, especially late at night, she enjoys the calmer atmosphere.
She also mentioned that one of the reasons she can't stream Minecraft all that long and needs to take small breaks is that it makes her a bit motion sick after a while. She speculated that it might be her own faultbecause she keeps jumping all over the place during movement, but it's a habit she can't get over, her thumb moves to the spacebar by itself.
But yeah, that's all I wrote down. She seemed to have a lot of fun, I really enjoyed the wedding ceremony and voice imitation bits in the end. She is so creative, I love how you can instantly recognize the moment she has a funny idea, and she always delivers when she does. I love this fox.