>>4847620I'll make this post AGAIN.
Get the LiveTL extension for Chrome. Not only does it include the Live Translation aspect, it also includes a replacement for Youtube Chat that fixes their godawful chat.
Get VLC and Streamlink and then create a batch file (open a text file, paste this in, then save it as something like streamlink.bat, I use shortcuts on my desktop after putting it in the Streamlink folder):
SET /P _inputname= Youtube URL:
@ECHO Youtube "%_inputname%"
start streamlink "%_inputname%" best
Then just copy the stream URL into the command window that pops up (copy it from chrome and then just right mouse click in the open command window then push enter).
This will open Streamlink, which will open VLC, with a stream at the best quality (ie, 1080p, unless for some reason the streamer is doing a higher res stream). No chat (unless the streamer is showing it in the video) and no translations but it is by far the least resource intensive way to watch a stream (Streamlink & VLC combined will only use 0.2% of my 8 core CPU, negliglbe memory and only 25% of my 3080 GPU).