>>48469842Their contracts are up for renewal soon and it's pretty damn clear that poster child Gura is washed up at this point. I'd like to say that might mean they choose not to renew her / she chooses not to renew, but as long as they're willing to milk her and let her stream twice a month, I think she'll mooch off of that for as long as she can.
Gura aside, Ina hasn't really been the same this past year. I think her drawing for 4th Fes may have been a piece de resistance and a signal she's out the door too. She's said she wants to go all out this year for her birthday, and that would be the final hurrah for her right before the summer hits and their contracts would be up again.
Ame has just been phoning it in for a while now. She has achieved all her goals she set for herself and is in coast mode. She has no spark like she used to.
Mori, I would have originally thought she was headed out the door first, but lately she seems to be putting in more effort to being Mori, the streamer, and not Mori, the rapper who only used her YouTube channel to promote her shitty music.
Kiara, I highly doubt she'll ever go anywhere. Hololive let her live her, many time over, failed dreams from the past. She may be the absolute weakest EN member, but she's still pulling in enough to keep her going. Likewise, if the entirety of the EN falls, she can just easily move over to being a JP talent as she's fluent enough.
Everything said, we will know for sure what's up by September of this year and if / how many graduations do / don't happen. I'd bet at least one, but honestly wouldn't be surprised with 3 or 4 of EN.