>>4866811it's fully cucked, it's hyper cucked, everything is cucked if it's public.
If you cannot imagine the following lines in any of these outlets, then they are cucked:
"feminism? sjws? more like jews pretending to be native men hating the native women with so much media clout that it can look real, in order to create chastizing and destructive laws in the real world based on these fabrications. Without jews, such things cannot happen. If you ever read something like 'Japan finally, but slowly, is marching toward progress and leaves bigotry behind' then that is another example of jews pulling off this deception. If Japan itself wanted to do this, it wouldn'tbe a slow process, but a 97% ethnic majority speedy one. It's slow because jewish presence in Japan is merely just high enough to start the show, waiting for reality to collapse into that fabrication. Most of our societal problems like that were, and are manufactured in the same way by jews in the media and co. We don't hate our own women, they do, and they try to,and do end up selling you their masquerade as if it really WERE us who do, but it's all them. Don't join in. Boot them from the country, instead."
You can't see something like this being published in your outlet?
Then it's pozzed, kosher, cucked, cringe and matzopilled.
Nothing in it ever matters or will ever matter.