>>48798122>>48797966>>48797644False. I don't know what you guys are talking about but that's not the definition. Falling in love is one of the results that could happen in a parasocial relationship where they want a relationship with the person but are realistic or try to make it happen in a healthy way. Then we got the negative shit like being a stalker, bully any rival or even a gf or bf, wife, husband the person may have and other evil shit where they're so far gone or have none of those aspects and just enjoy their content but they would know more about this person then the average viewer. A parasocial relationship is psychological in that you as the participant believe you have a friendship with the media personality whether online, tv, movie, musician, blah blah.
However, for vtubers and flesh streamers engage in a parasocial interaction with the audience everyday if they want to succeed. They have to do this while other media people don't really have to interact with their audience but some of them have chosen to do it with face time video or whatever that's called. Vtubers also share more of their personality then other streams so the falling in love aspects is normal and expected when somebody is engaged that personal with themselves to their audience and it can be intense as we know towards Mike. Some girls put up rules and shit prepared for people who may fall for them and they either abuse this shit for the money as some of us may know or are sincere about it and don't manipulate men like that.
Then we got vtubers who are parasocial with their audience like Mike. And then we got bitches who pretend they're not in a parasocial relationship and the morons who hate people like us for being "parasocial" with Mike and want Mike to drop it but deny they're parasocial themselves.