>Wider Gura, commonly abbreviated to WG, or more uncommonly WdG, is the slightly wider manifestation of Gawr Gura that is said to appear in certain streams of Gawr Gura, contrasting to regular Gawr Gura
>The appearance of Wider Gura in a particular stream is generally, but not always, judged relative to the width of debut Gura, and as such debut Gura is the primary go-to frame of reference amongst Wider Gura theorists Because of this, "No Debut Gura Pics" (commonly abbreviated to NDGP) are generally discouraged, as it is very difficult to determine Gura's width without Debut Gura as a constant frame of reference.
>Whilst uncommon, the use of other HoloEN characters to judge Gura's width are not unheard of. The second most common to judge Gura's width is in the stream or not has generally been Amelia Watson, followed closely by Calliope Mori. The activity of combing the original early Gura streams for instances of Wider Gura is known as Gooming
>There have been many elaborate theories as to why there exists a wider version of Gawr Gura in recent Gura streams, however most theories fall into two general categories
>The Canon Gura Hypothesis, sometimes simply The Wider Gura Hypothesis, in which theorized that within the Hololive universe and canon there does indeed exist a version of Gawr Gura that is slightly wider that a posited regular Gawr Gura, or Gura Prime
>The Nacho Hypothesis, in which it is theorized that there exists and uncredited Nacho mama Gura look-alike who was used in certain streams of Gawr Gura for undisclosed reasons and whose identity has yet to be determined
>The Canon Gura Hypothesis is the most popular of the two, while the Nacho Hypothesis is a close second
>Evidence of the existence of Wider Gura is scattered throughout the original Gawr Gura stream, predominantly, or at least most well documented, in the Super Metroid streams. If one were to juxtapose multiple streams containing both Gawr Gura and Debut Gura next to each other, one would quickly be able to discern the existence of a slightly wider version of Gawr Gura, dubbed the titular Wider Gura.
>It is generally agreed that Wider Gura is approximately nine or ten millimeters / approximately one centimeter wider than Regular Gura, but disagreements as to the exact width discrepancy do exist, and tend to be muddled due to OBS. See Ame's OBS Rant for more details