>>48793401>Some Notable Compacts and Conspiracies in North AmericaThe Union
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X1KVjq1HbMAn all American compact made up of a rag-tag collection regular average Joes who work hard to earn an honest living while protecting their homes and families from the things that go bump in the night.
One of the newest compacts on the scene. They were a collection of hunter cells that came together back in the early 2000's. Though some groups can trace their origins back to individual cells that formed out of various labor unions from the early 1900's. The Union is a textbook example of what a Hunter Compact is as well as one of the simplest, with Cells sharing resources and working together to take on threats. The Union tends to opt for a more defensive NIMBY posture regarding the supernatural. They don't actively hunt supernatural creatures unless they come knocking at which point the Union will swiftly bring the hammer down on the poor creature stupid enough to wander onto their turf. Union Cells can range in size and appearance from your average community watch to backwoods militias operating out of a compound.
Night Watch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByT0FErPgfQStarted by a homeless Vietnam Veteran, the son of a murdered cop, and their gang-banger buddies in the lawless ghettos of Pittsburgh during the 1980's. These guys got sick and tired of watching their friends, family and neighbors get eaten by vampires and decided to take the fight to them. Their first raid against a vampire haven and their ghoul stooges was such a success that it sparked a riot that drove their bloodsucking overlords out of the city. Made up of the homeless and downtrodden. These guys patrol the streets and protect the meek from those that would make a meal out of them. They also fight crime and work to clean up communities they set up shop in. They run several community outreach programs to help folks get back on their feet, clean up the streets, and keep kids out of prison. These are often a cover to recruit new hunters.
Imagine the Guardian Angles from New York City during the 80's and you've got the right idea.
Maiden's Blood Sisterhood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtISFBtGkdQMori has actually introduced the party to this compact at least in passing.
From the outside The Maiden's Blood Sisterhood appears to be a normal college sorority. This of course is a cover for a loosely organized compact that works to keep monsters off college campuses. They got their start when one college professor noticed her students weren't actually exhausted from midterm exams but were in fact being slowly drained by a vampire. With the help of some students and some trust worthy faculty they were able to put a stop to its reign of terror. Since then, members who have not only survived but also graduated have achieved recognition in several academic fields and have slowly started occupying prominent positions in society to better further their cause. They are well on their way to becoming a full blown conspiracy. They primarily get their funding from wealthy alumni and grateful students. They do seem to have an odd respect for witches after what was rumored to have been a botched hunt on a coven.
They're actually known to sometimes work with and even recruit witches to help them on their hunts.Taskforce: VALKYRIE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkWtthtbQQ8They are the Mysterious Men in Black and shadowy SWAT teams with no unit patches descending from helicopters. Originally a humble hunter cell that formed back during the Civil War where they staged the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (who had died a few days prior to some paranormal entity during a botched rescue operation), this Conspiracy got its start back in WWII. Disturbing reports from British and French spies told that Hitler had successfully obtained several mystical artifacts, knowledge of black arts, scored an alliance with a clan of werewolves and a handful of vampires to boot. Taskforce: VALKYRIE was reorganized to fight Hitlers army of the damned using nothing but their wits and standard issue army equipment. Where other nations hunters failed, VALKYRIE excelled and successfully killed or captured Hitlers paranormal were-soldiers, disintegrated his wizards, and put his undead horde back into the grave. Taskforce: VALKYRIE exists today to protect the United States from supernatural enemies, both foreign and domestic. They work to not only destroy but coverup any trace of the supernatural like they did at Roswell or during JFK's assassination. Thanks to Uncle Sam, they have all the latest toys to play with. From bullets that can hit ghosts, grenades that explode like miniature suns, and cans of Werewolf Mace.
They're also secretly funded by Vampires who sometimes use them to take out their rivals.