>>49059890Exactly, like bro, no you are not a regular streamer, you are not some bro. Think ofr a second, think, why would a predominantly male audience spend hours listening to you talk about your day, talk about how you feel, follow you around and watch your videos, buy your overpriced merchandise with your face on it. Do you really think this men don't know paying 100+ dollars for some fucking chopsticks, a bento box and fucking mp3 of Fauna talking is stupid. Why the fuck would any men pay that if not for some parasocial relationship made of cope. At their core any men would rather have a real women next to them at night, any men would rather sit down and watch some movie and cuddle with a women he loves instead of some fucking watchalong while sitting in his room eating some fucking domino's pizza. You know why they don't do it Fauna, because they can't, because they type of men watching her stupid fucking streamers is using them as cope. At least JP knows the deal, but of course has to come out and be "huurrrrr I'm not actually your friend and I don't cuddle with you huuu, wow". I know you dumb fucking idiot, it's cope, it's fucking cope, there is no women coming so they turn on the fucking anime girl.