>>4926298I actually think Astel's English is better, lol.
Izuru also apparently has good comprehension and occasionally writes in chat and seems pretty fluent. and he was pretty good off the cuff in his AmongUs with fans which was in English. it seems like he never shows it off, though. maybe he just dislikes speaking English even though he's breddy gud at it, or something?
but more importantly, what I love about Knight is that he's trying super hard to study. he takes it much more seriously than just playing around with English learning games the way most streamers do. for isntance, he went out of his way to practice his entire aisatsu in English for the HoloID collab. it's not like he was amazingly fluent or anything, but it's the fact that he seems genuinely motivated to challenge himself and is constantly putting himself outside of his comfort zone, which is the key to rapid improvement (as opposed to progressing at a glacial pace or eternally stagnating). honestly he seems like a talented learner and it should be inspirational to anyone watching, do your reps Kishimen