>>539679I hope Mesoamericanon never finds this thread, or he might get an aneurism.
While Conquistadors indeed brought some of the good shit from the old world, like steel and beasts of burden, the indigenous tribes in here were no brutes. Most of them, like the mexicas, zapotecans, purepechans, mayans and incans were already developed enough to construct bigass cities, a solid political structure, their own religion and mythos, agiculture, achitecture and technology on par with ancient Rome and appreciation of the arts, philosophers and poets were everywhere, like in ancient Greek, with thousands of written works that were mostly burned by the Franciscan monks to the point only 4 remain today.
Sure, if it wasn't for Conquistadors and their small pox, we probably would've been conquered by Portugal or France eventually, or erradicated by the British, but to say everyone in this continent was a canibalistic savage is a blatant lie so bad I wish you grabbed a book one of these days and learned a thing or two about your own country's history.
By the way, a lot of the corruption in the continent comes from the fact most of the countries in here were at war against so many people for so much time, and when the wars with foreigns ended, the power vacuum left just lead to even more internal wars that most of our countries are just now trying to recover and stabilize. We still have a long way to go, but at least we've got past from the worst.
If we really were savages, we would be Africa-tier right now. Those niggas really learned nothing during their time as not-slaves.
TL;DR: Read a history book, malinchista nigga.