>>49473161I feel bad for her because her view of what america is and what it actually is are two different circles. I know from experience, when I arrived to this country like 2 decades ago I thought my life was gonna like Saved By The Bell or something and I was gonna date an all American blonde cheerleader. I'm now 30 and yeah that didn't work out, I think I have meet maybe 2 american blondes in all my life and one of them was obese and the other made fun of me for being a manlet. Lesson here is don't let sitcoms tell you what culture is like I guess, also all American blondes aren't really a thing, really only exist on old sitcoms.
If you are some latino anon reading this hoping to come to the US and meet a cute blonde ditzy American girl like in all those shows you watched, let me tell you reality is nothing like that. For every fat blonde girl you might meet you will probably meet 20 obese black women, you won't meet the all American ditzy blonde girl, she doesn't exist, she is a character in a sitcom, she is not real. Also American girls are huge hos, you think Hispanic countries are bad, wait until you meet American girls.