I swear polka is just an endless spiral of chaos because she is the only holo that when I watch I legitimately don't know what is going on with her head.
sometimes she will just do random cute noises, only to immediately go silent and want to apologize about doing them, sometimes she breaks into song, gets asked what song it was then goes completely silent about it, sometimes she will be cheerful to other holos, or straight up stay silent to their advances, punch them and run, like I recommend watching the 6-hour flare geoglyph stream because not even fucking flare (one of the most assertive holos in existence) can tell what the fuck polka is thinking about, which culminated in this really interesting exchange.
https://twitter.com/i_hisaronn/status/1360499182730022913even goddamn miko discord called her on the last stream to ask her if she liked her because miko legit couldn't tell if she was annoying polka or having fun with her to which polka went all spaggetti splorg when asked the question, In fact I think not even POLKA HERSELF knows what she is thinking, INTERESTINGLY she was super easy to follow when she was drunk on strong zero during the dragon raid stream. interestingly too, I think nene is one of the few who can legit follow her tempo.
TL;DR trying to follow polka's train of thought near-impossible, but I guess that is her appeal at the end of it all, the last streams seems to have strenghtened her relationship with holos that are not 5sei and she seems very earnest to be part of shiranui kensetsu and make flare proud.