>>49805349I don't really disagree with the sentiment that NO MALES is fucking autistic and retarded, but sperging out in comments and finger wagging about it is also fucking retarded. Japs are autistic, just leave them be. The only thing wrong kanata did was be a rude fucking cunt in that one collab she did that had IRL dudes in it, implying she did that stream of her own free will. If she was tricked or forced it's still pretty cunty but she would have been forced into that situation unfairly.
It's wrong and and seems really sketchy the warped version of "idol culture" that vtubers do and I find the screams of "respect their culture" laughable because I owe no respect to anyone's culture that tries to force "pure virtual maidens" that you're supposed to larp as you wife/gf while throwing money at them, but I also understand the optics of it all. Bully girls over it isn't right and discussions like this are better left to basket weaving forums than youtube comment sections of their clilps or their channel.
>>49807102I think we have to worry more about misandry in these situations. Enabling woman to bleed lonely men dry doesn't seem like a real girl power moment worth praising